
arcanefoam wrote on Wednesday, April 13, 2011:


I see this function prototype in FreeRTOSConfig.h but haven’t been able to find any references to it in the documentation. Looking at some examples I deduce that this is where you configure the timer interrupt to generate the OS tick. Can any one confirm this and hopefully point me to a place to find additional information on other constants and prototypes that are not documented? (for example the configYIELD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR which is also related to this function)



rtel wrote on Wednesday, April 13, 2011:

Which port are you using?  I guess it is a ColdFire port, but that is only a guess without looking at the source code (which I don’t have in front of me right now).  Have you looked at the documentation page for the port you are using on the web site?


arcanefoam wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:


If I am not mistaken FreeRTOSConfig.h is a “core” configuration header which does not need porting, you only have to set the values of the constants in the file. The vApplicationSetupInterrupts function prototype and the YIELD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR constant are present in the FreeRTOS source download “source” folder, not in a specific port folder, so if this is just meant to be for a specific port this file is incorrect and has 2 bugs.

I am making a new port and that is why I need clarity on this function.



rtel wrote on Monday, April 18, 2011:

The vApplicationSetupInterrupts function prototype and the YIELD_INTERRUPT_VECTOR constant are present in the FreeRTOS source download “source” folder, not in a specific port folder

I’m pretty sure that is not the case, but you have not answered the questions I posed in my previous post so cannot comment further until you do.
