How to install the interrupt handlers

nagarajukarre wrote on Friday, August 16, 2013:

Hi ,

How to install the interrupts in the freeRTOS?


davedoors wrote on Friday, August 16, 2013:

Depends on the port you are using.

nagarajukarre wrote on Friday, August 23, 2013:

If i see the example in interrupt management in FreeRTOS they are using       __dos_setvect(0x82,handlerName) api and to generate the interrupt __asm(int 0x82).

Is there an particular API is dedicated in FreeRTOS to register the interrupt. I am using ti stellaris LM3s9b96 board to test the same example.Please suggest me .

davedoors wrote on Friday, August 23, 2013:

I have no idea what that code is, it looks like an old MS DOS program.

You are using a Cortex-M3 chip which has a simple vector table in which you place the names of the ISR functions in the appropriate place for the interrupt being handled. This is normally done at compile time to keep the vector table out of RAM.

Refer to your compiler documentation and the examples in the download. There is no special API for installing interrupts on that chip because none is needed.