lt6210925 wrote on Thursday, September 29, 2016:

who know how to use the configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION
when i write “#define configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION 1”
the project will report the error

Undefined symbol vPortSetupTimerInterrupt (referred from port.o).

I thought this will be a bug about freertos
i use the stm32f103zet6 board.

if anyone thought this will be used.
show me the code about the correct method .```!

rtel wrote on Thursday, September 29, 2016:

who know how to use the configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION


when i write “#define configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION 1”
the project will report the error

Undefined symbol vPortSetupTimerInterrupt (referred from port.o).

The FreeRTOS Cortex-M ports generate their tick interrupt from the
SysTick clock. However, sometimes that is not convenient for
application writers because they need the SysTick for other purposes.
Therefore in all the Cortex-M ports you can prevent the RTOS from using
the SysTick by replacing the function that sets up the SysTick with a
function that sets up which ever clock you want to generate the tick
interrupt. To do that you have to provide a function call
vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() to actually set up the clock, and install the
FreeRTOS tick interrupt handler as the interrupt service routine for
whichever clock you chose. All the ports, other than the Keil port,
define vPortSetupTimerInterrupt() as a weak symbol, so all you need to
do is provide a function with that name. For historic reasons the Keil
port also needs you to define configOVERRIDE_DEFAULT_TICK_CONFIGURATION.

I thought this will be a bug about freertos
