SMP with A53 Cores on Zynq Ultrascale+ MPSoC

I am looking for a FreeRTOS SMP A53 Port. I read through this free RTOS forum and I found the checklist for porting SMP FreeRTOS to the A53 architecture [SMP Porting Checklist - A53 *4 as reference]. Is there now an official port available or do I still need to manually port my project? Because in the FreeRTOS Kernal SMP branch I don’t see any hardware specific code.

Can you use this one - FreeRTOS-Kernel-Partner-Supported-Ports/TI/CORTEX_A53_64-BIT_TI_AM64_SMP at main · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel-Partner-Supported-Ports · GitHub