We are writing driver files for one of our chip developed which is based on ARM_Cortex M33 processor so we want to setup a project where we are creating the base code for this chip with only ARM_Cortex M33 CMSIS files and FreeRTOS package in IAR workbench so can we manually add this freeRTOS package in IAR??
Thank you for sharing the project. I have gone through the project. But this project is based on secure and nonsecure functionality.I want to just create the base case with freertos package and ARM_M33 CMSIS files without any other driver files such as eg UART,I2C etc on IAR any suggestion will be helpful.
We are building the chip from the scratch so for that we need base code with freertos integrated with ARM_M33 CMSIS files…
I am checking with your suggestion.I am not able to add my projects here.just wanted to share to understand the issue properly. can you help me on this??
I am not able to share full project but I am sharing files used in the project. Please can you check at your end let me know what I am missing.
FreeRTOS version Is FreeRTOSv202212.01 and in that FreeRTOS folder files.
These are bunch of header files and source files which are not even FreeRTOS. There is no project file. What do you want me to look at? Are you able to run bare metal code on your hardware without FreeRTOS?
Correct I have not shared my full project but shared only ARM_CM33 files which is in CMSIS zip what I have shared.and freeRTOS is not added in this just for your info i have mentioned which files in freertos I am using.if you add this try to add these files in IAR and try to compile you get some errors.So I am concerned about that. I have uploaded the image for your reference.
Then I’d recommend to reach out to the maintainers of these files to get the compilation issues addressed. I’d also suggest to get the bare metal application working first and then add FreeRTOS.