nobody wrote on Wednesday, November 15, 2006:
Hi everyone. I am a beginner and hope to have some help here to create LPC2138 port using Keil IDE with RealView Compiler.
I have created a new project and created 4 groups of files.
Startup : Startup.s
Source : task.c, queue.c, list.c
Portable : port.c , portISR.c (from ‘FreeRTOS\Source\portable\Keil\ARM7’ dir)
Demo Files : main.c (from ‘FreeRTOS\Demo\ARM7_LPC2129_Keil’ dir)
My list of include paths are as below :
Then I clicked Build , resulting in lots of error messages.
Most repeated are
…\FreeRTOS\Source\include\portable.h(181): error: #20: identifier "portSTACK_TYPE" is undefined
…\FreeRTOS\Source\include\portable.h(194): error: #20: identifier "portBASE_TYPE" is undefined
I thought portmacro.h not included so I edited portable.h uglily as below.
#ifdef KEIL_ARM7
#include "…\…\Source\portable\Keil\ARM7\portmacro.h"
I did this because I didnt know where to define KEIL_ARM7 , but at least portmacro.h then included.
But then, portmacro.h generated too many errors, almost at every inline asm as below :
…\FreeRTOS\Source\include\…\…\Source\portable\Keil\ARM7\portmacro.h(91): error: #52: expected a macro parameter name
…\FreeRTOS\Source\include\…\…\Source\portable\Keil\ARM7\portmacro.h(110): error: #40: expected an identifier
Sorry for long post, but I want to be detail. My question now is , what do I do? I heard FreeRTOS easy to port, but I have worked several days at this. Is there any trick that I dont know?
Thanks for listening.