web server compiling errors

yyang2000 wrote on Monday, March 01, 2010:


I’ve used the CORTEX_LM3Sxxxx_IAR_Keil demo to one of my project. Everything seems OK, until I got the compiling errors regarding in httpd-fsdata.c file. I copied as below for your analysis.  I’ve checked the head file that defines the struct httpd_fsdata_file{}. It is included. I wonder if some one knows what wrong is. This is uIP web server demo.

webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(456): error:  #70: incomplete type is not allowed
webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(456): error:  #20: identifier “NULL” is undefined
webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(458): error:  #70: incomplete type is not allowed
webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(460): error:  #70: incomplete type is not allowed
webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(462): error:  #70: incomplete type is not allowed
webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(464): error:  #70: incomplete type is not allowed
webserver\httpd-fsdata.c(466): error:  #70: incomplete type is not allowed


yyang2000 wrote on Monday, March 01, 2010:

Please ignore this post, I got fixed. It was my mistake.
