peterpan123321 wrote on Friday, August 31, 2012:
Hey. I am really not an expert, I am an hobbyist trying to work with FreeRTOS + STM32F4 (discovery board)
I managed to set up the toolchain (summon arm) and Eclipse IDE. “Plain” LED Blinking works fine.
I tried to add the FreeRTOS code to my project. I managed to compile the Source but when it comes to creating a task, I get stuck while debugging.
I fgured that eventually after ‘memset’ I end up in the “Infinite_Loop” trap in startup_stm32f3xx.S which is the processors handler for “unexpected interrupts”.
Ehm … I am lost. Totally.
These are the steps of my debugging session which lead to the trap.
main.c: xTaskCreate( testtask, ( signed char * ) "test", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, mainQUEUE_RECEIVE_TASK_PRIORITY, NULL );
-> task.c(406): pxNewTCB = prvAllocateTCBAndStack( usStackDepth, puxStackBuffer );
-> -> task.c(2154): memset( pxNewTCB->pxStack, ( int ) tskSTACK_FILL_BYTE, ( size_t ) usStackDepth * sizeof( portSTACK_TYPE ) );
-> -> -> startup_stm32f3xx.S(121): b Infinite_Loop