RTOSviewer Queues with MPLAB X

damien934523 wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2016:


I am using MPLAB X and I am seeing strange values when looking at Queues using the RTOSviewer plugin, apparently the columns “Pending messages”, “Length” and “Item Sizes” are sometimes either corrupted or never initialized.

Has anyone an idea what this can be caused by? My application is working fine and I have not seen any stack overflow, so to me it just looks like I haven’t configured someting properly.


rtel wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2016:

I’m afraid we don’t have much knowledge of that plug-in as it is
provided by Microchip directly (I think?).

damien934523 wrote on Wednesday, June 08, 2016:

Thanks for the quick reply, I guess I’ll try microchip’s forum then!