RTOSviewer for MPLAB/X

hermarcel wrote on Wednesday, July 24, 2013:


Does anyone know who maintains the FreeRTOS viewer for MPLAB(/X)? I tried to get an account at
http://www.opensource4pic.org/content/content/freertos-rtosviewer-mplab-x, but without success.

As soon as I set thequeue-registry  size larger than 0, the viewer hangs while loading the needed data through the ICD3 (PIC32MX).

rtel wrote on Wednesday, July 24, 2013:

Try searching the support archive.  I recall there being a question as to the plug-ins stats some months back that may have yielded an answer that will be helpful to you.


hermarcel wrote on Friday, July 26, 2013:

Searched the archive to no avail…