Help please port freertos to stm32f429 on keil with arm compiler.
Hello @mml,
Please see the FreeRTOS Porting Guide for instructions in porting FreeRTOS to a new platform. You may also be interested in porting additional libraries beyond the kernel, for which you can refer to the FreeRTOS Porting Guide in the AWS documentation. The existing AWS FreeRTOS reference integrations for ST may be helpful as a reference when porting.
Thank you
I think that port already exists. The STM32F4 is a CM4F, so you should be able to use the portable layer in:
FreeRTOS runs on all Cortex-M0/M0+/M3/M4/M7/M23 and M33 micro controllers - no porting is required. In your case I think ST tools will create the project you want. If not, then check for a demo in the download , and if you still can’t find what you need check the following page: ,