Using FreeRTOS with TI ARM Cortex-R4F RM48 and keil

willylin wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2018:

I using FreeRTOS with TI ARM Cortex-R4F RM48 and keil.
But I do not see any project that using ARM Cortex-R4F with keil in Demo document.
So I want to ask how to transplant FreeRTOS to ARM Cortex-R4?

rtel wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2018:

Which compiler are you using with Keil? If it is the ARM compiler then
you will probably need to actually create a port yourself. If it is GCC
or the TI compiler then you will have a good starting point with what is
already in the FreeRTOS kernel download.

TI also provide an R4 port of FreeRTOS that supports the MPU in their
HalCoGen tool (at least they used to) - does that generate projects for
the ARM tools?

willylin wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2018:

I using keil4, but FreeRTOS does not compiler with keil4.
So I will be use keil5.
Is there a project that can be referenced?

rtel wrote on Tuesday, November 20, 2018:

Keil is the IDE, not the compiler, you can use it with both the ARM and
GCC compilers - may be others too.