w_richardson wrote on Thursday, December 04, 2008:
Hi all,
I am having a problem with the port for the PIC24 running under MPLAB. I have got the FreeRTOS downloaded and expanded. I then go to the PIC24_MPLAB directory and bring up the RTOSDemo_PIC24 project and build it. The build goes fine. When I set a breakpoint at the vTaskStartScheduler(); I can run to this line, but when I try to step over or run, I get the following error:
CORE-E0004: Trap due to unimplemented FLASH memory access, occurred from instruction at 0x001d08
Any clues as to what I need to do?
I have also verified this in the dsPIC demo.
I am running the free version of the C30 compiler.
Thanks in advance.