PIC24 Demo

auntybellum wrote on Thursday, October 27, 2016:

Just looking for a bit of help. I have got FreeRTOS working fine with my PIC32MX systems and wanted to try it out on my PIC24H but I am struggling to get a compile under MPLAB X.
I have made lots of attempts but get lots of red ink at compile time.
I have imported the demo to MPLAB X and have found a PIC24FJ chip to experiment on. The demo generates all the right files but I think I have an include or header problem although I have tried everything I can think of.
This is just a snippet of the red ink at build/compile. I am using the XC16 Microchip compiler.

Any ideas gratefully received - Thank You!

oduction/_ext/1472/main.o build/default/production/_ext/809743516/ParTest.o build/default/production/_ext/821501661/serial.o build/default/production/_ext/1472/lcd.o -mcpu=24FJ128GA010 -omf=elf -DXPRJ_default=default -no-legacy-libc -Wl,–defsym=__MPLAB_BUILD=1,–script="…/p24FJ128GA010.gld",–heap=0,–stack=16,–check-sections,–data-init,–pack-data,–handles,–isr,–no-gc-sections,–fill-upper=0,–stackguard=16,–library-path="…",–library-path=".",–library-path="…/…/…/Source/include",–library-path="…/…/…/Source/portable/MPLAB/PIC24_dsPIC",–library-path="…/…/…/Source",–no-force-link,–smart-io,–memorysummary,dist/default/production/memoryfile.xml
nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:367: recipe for target ‘dist/default/production/RTOSDemo_PIC24.X.production.hex’ failed
make[2]: Leaving directory ‘/home/pic/MPLABXProjects/FreeRTOSv9.0.0/FreeRTOS/Demo/PIC24_MPLAB/RTOSDemo_PIC24.X’
nbproject/Makefile-default.mk:84: recipe for target ‘.build-conf’ failed
make[1]: Leaving directory ‘/home/pic/MPLABXProjects/FreeRTOSv9.0.0/FreeRTOS/Demo/PIC24_MPLAB/RTOSDemo_PIC24.X’
nbproject/Makefile-impl.mk:39: recipe for target ‘.build-impl’ failed
build/default/production/_ext/449926602/tasks.o(.text+0x1d2): In function .L0': : undefined reference to _pvPortMalloc’
build/default/production/_ext/449926602/tasks.o(.text+0x1d4): In function .L0': : undefined reference to _pvPortMalloc’
build/default/production/_ext/449926602/tasks.o(.text+0x1e0): In function .L0': : undefined reference to _pvPortMalloc’
build/default/production/_ext/449926602/tasks.o(.text+0x1d2): In function .L0': : undefined reference to _pvPortMalloc’
build/default/production/_ext/449926602/tasks.o(.text+0x1d4): In function .L0': : undefined reference to _pvPortMalloc’

rtel wrote on Thursday, October 27, 2016:

pvPortMalloc() is implemented in a heap_x.c file
(http://www.freertos.org/a00111.html). You need to include one of the
heap files in your build.

auntybellum wrote on Thursday, October 27, 2016:

Well done! I found that and fixed it.
Very many thanks indeed.