lwIP BasicWeb Demo Project

nobody wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

I’m experiencing that after several hundred HTTP connection and Basic Web Page displays, lwIP ran out of pbuf and no more web pages can be displayed. (Allocate pbuf returned NULL). I’m wondering whether anyone else experienced this problem?

Thanks for your input.

nobody wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

Hmm. Have not seen this but I have tested the project by leaving it over night with 3 PC connected to it using HTTP (refreshing every few seconds) and another 3 pinging 1K bytes.  Worked over night so must have passed through many thousands of packets.

nobody wrote on Monday, February 20, 2006:

Thanks for your feedback. Apparently, I’m having a memory leak. If it’s not a lwIP bug, then it’s a bug in my system. Oh boy, what fun!

Thanks again.