can't get web response

dsigit wrote on Friday, October 16, 2009:

Hi all,

I’ve downloaded some MCB2300FreeRTOSlwIP.rar from internet and build it using Eclipse+Yagarto. There is a warning :

"comparison of promoted ~unsigned with unsigned ip_frag.c "

but, no error accure. So, I try to download the hex file to my board (my board is different than MCB2300). I connect the bord to my computer and try to "ping" it  and the result is okay… but, when I try to access it using my browser, the browser displays error message :

"ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved … connection refused… ".

By the way, I’ve made some adjustment for LED port for my board, and I change ethernet pin enable in emac.c to PINSEL2 = 0x50150105.

Is there something I missed? How can I get it work? Perhaps, there is another lwIP demo for LPC3268 for my reference. Thank you.

rtel wrote on Friday, October 16, 2009:

I don’t know the source of your files, maybe they just don’t work.  I would just suggest stepping through the code that processes the incoming request until you see at what point it gets upset.


dsigit wrote on Sunday, October 18, 2009:

Could you give me LPC2368+freeRTOS+lwIP demo example with webserver that has been proven to be working? Thanks a lot.