Luminary Micro Cortex M3 port problems

rpanetta wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010:

When I build the FREE RTOS demo for LM3S6965  (CORTEX_LM3Sxxxx_IAR_Keil) the following errors occur:

Error 412: Branch to unaligned address
    cbz r0, no_save

Error 412: Branch to unaligned address
   cbnz r1, sv_disable_interrupts

Error 412: Branch to unaligned address
    cbnz r2, tick_disable_interrupts

Does anyone know of a resolution for these errors?

davedoors wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010:

The obvious questions for starters are:

1) Which compiler are you using?
2) Which version of the compiler are you using?
3) Which version of FreeRTOS are you using?
4) Have you made any changes to the example project, however trivial?

rpanetta wrote on Tuesday, July 06, 2010:

1) IAR C/C++ Compiler for ARM
2) (
3) V4.5.0  (And in answering your questions, I’ve discovered this is out of date)
4) No changes

I’ve downloaded version V6.0.5 and now it builds with no errors.  Sorry about that and thank you for your help.