Is SafeRTOS suitable for SIL4 certification?

Is SafeRtos suitable for the SIL4 certification process?

I came across the following statement on FreeRTOS’s site;
"SAFERTOS is based on the functional model of the FreeRTOS kernel, however, it is not the FreeRTOS kernel. It has been completely re-designed by a team of functional safety experts at WHIS. Their engineers took the FreeRTOS kernel functional model, subjected it to a full HAZOP, and generated a set of safety requirements. The resulting functional and safety requirements sets were put through an IEC 61508-3 SIL 3 development life cycle, creating the SAFERTOS code base and DAP."

Is it not possible to use SafeRTOS in a project that we want to get SIL4 certificate?

Hi - not really a question for this forum - I suggest contacting WHIS directly. You can email sales AT highintegritysystems DOT com.