I used to FreeRTOS V 7.3 (this is included in ASF by in Atmel studio) for my ARM SAM4S. I want to use FreeRTOS V 8.xx, but this version is not yet available in Atmel studio by ASF, so I downloaded newer vesrion from official pages. But after implementation and complinig I have many errors. I absoluttely do not know where I have a mistake, Could you help me please? My project is blank - no code, just only implementation of FreeRTOS.
I have about 130 errors…
it is like:
Error unknown type name ‘UBaseType_t’ Quadro32_FreeRTOS_8
UBaseType_t is a FreeRTOS type, and if you have the header files included correctly it will be found. I don’t know what Quadro32_FreeRTOS_8 is, it is not something from the FreeRTOS distribution.
…but I would recommend just starting with one of the Atmel Studio projects from the FreeRTOS distribution: http://www.freertos.org/a00090.html#ATMEL or simply copying the latest FreeRTOS source files over the top of the older source files in the auto-generated project.