FreeRTOS port for CC1310

bapgobears wrote on Monday, August 07, 2017:

I see a port for the TI CC3200 Launch Pad, but not the TI CC1310 part. The former is an M4 ARM Cortex while the latter is an M3 ARM Cortex. What port would I start with to get something running quickly on the CC1310? Any description of what has to be done is appreciated. Thanks, Brett

rtel wrote on Monday, August 07, 2017:

FreeRTOS will run on any Cortex-M part, but you need to ensure you have
the right port layer. If the part is a Cortex-M3 or a Cortex-M4
(without floating point unit) then you need to use the
FreeRTOS/Source/portable/[compiler]/ARM_CM3 port layer. If the part is
a Cortex-M4F (with floating point unit) then you need to use the
FreeRTOS/Source/portable/[compiler]/ARM_CM4F port layer.

You can find some instructions on creating a new FreeRTOS project on the
following link:

Alternatively, you can adapt a project:

Hope that is helpful.

bapgobears wrote on Tuesday, August 08, 2017:

Thanks for the speedy support! I’ll give that a try.