FreeRTOS in Neyus 4 DDR board

saitej25 wrote on Monday, December 11, 2017:

I was wondering if FreeRTOS is supported in Neyus 4 DDR board. If so, is there any reference design I can start with?

rtel wrote on Monday, December 11, 2017:

I’m afraid there are far too many boards out in the world to provide reference designs for each. As this is an FPGA a reference design is really out of scope for FreeRTOS in any case as the hardware design would be created using the Xilinx (or third party) FPGA tools.

The Microblaze port was tested with various different [soft] MCU configuration options which are, as far as I recall, read from a header file that is generated by the FPGA tools to describe the hardware. I would recommend creating the hardware project and BSP project as normal using the Xilinx tools (or getting something ready prepared from the board manufacturer). Then try running a non-FreeRTOS based simple hello world style application on the Microblaze to check it is functioning as expected … and then try adding in and using the FreeRTOS code. The existing Microblaze projects can be used as a reference even though they are for different hardware.