Embedded Device is getting Reset- Randomly

yogesh2760781 wrote on Tuesday, October 22, 2013:

I m using FreeRTOS ver-7.1.0., Complier IAR, Micro-RL78k0r-1833. My Device is getting Reset some specific way(I am able to re-create). But my problem is how to detect what is causing this problem?
I used RTOS hook i.e. configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW, but it is not a stack over flow case.
Can any body suggest how to detected Program counter value just before reset?

Please ask if problem is not clear.


rtel wrote on Tuesday, October 22, 2013:

What do you do to recreate the reset? Can you recreate it when debugging the application so you can see exactly what is happening at the point of reset.

As far knowing the cause of a reset - some chips have the ability to report that after a soft reset, but how that is done is chip specific and not effected by the software at all so you would have to look at the hardware manuals.
