Bug? in 4.1.2

jra01 wrote on Tuesday, October 24, 2006:

I tried to compile version 4.1.2, with "INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend" set to 0. This gives compilation error in tasks.c, line 1437. "xSuspendedTaskList" is not declared.

I set it to 1, and it compiles OK.



rtel wrote on Tuesday, October 24, 2006:

Thanks for the info.

Did you obtain the files from SVN head, SVN V4.1.2 label, or the V4.1.2 release zip file.

I think the head/trunk revision in SVN will exhibit this behaviour, but not the release tag or zip file.

If you are using the release zip file can you let me know which demo you are compiling.


jra01 wrote on Tuesday, October 24, 2006:

I used the SVN.


jra01 wrote on Tuesday, October 24, 2006:

Switching to tag 4.1.2 solved the problem. Thanks.
