xQueueReceive() first call always returns false

In a simple 2 task example, with one task sending items to a freeRTOS queue and the other receiving. The first call to xQueueReceive() always returns pdFALSE, even before the other task calls xQueueSendToBack(). After that it seems to be working. But why is it returning on the first call - that is totally unexpected. I even added xQueueReset() immediately after xQueueCreate() but still get the return from xQueueReceive the first call like its a timeout

The outline of the code looks like this:

#define TX_PRI  (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 2)
#define RX_PRI  (tskIDLE_PRIORITY + 3)
typedef struct
    unsigned int n[20];

        myQ = xQueueCreate(20, sizeof(Msg));
        xTaskCreate(sendTask, STACKSIZE, NULL, TX_PRI, NULL);
        xTaskCreate(receiveTask, STACKSIZE, NULL, RX_PRI, NULL);

void sendTask( void *arg)
        xQueueSendToBack(myQ, &msg, 2);

void receiveTask(void *arg)
   Msg msg;
   BaseType_t status;


        status = xQueueReceive(myQ, &msg, portMAX_DELAY);
        if(status == pdTRUE)
            // receive returns normally for each msg sent after 1st call
            // receive returns as if timeout on first call, even though portMAX_DELAY used

I just cut and paste your code into a project, fixed vtaskdelay() to vTaskDelay(), corrected both calls to xTaskCreate() which in your code are missing the second parameter (the task name), and ran the code. The call to xQueueReceive() returned pdTRUE, which is what I think is expected. I would recommend you step into the xQueueReceive() in the debugger to see what that is not the case in your project.