When To Use Static Tasks


Most of my projects are for simple real-time systems where tasks are started, but never deleted. They must persist through the operation of the device.

I usually use the default task named Monitor Task, then the ST Touch GFX GUI task and then various other tasks such as Ethernet/WifFi, and their interface tasks, and a real-time hi priority process control task, timer timer triggered using deferred interrupts, usually using notification, not sem’s.

In all cases these tasks must run continuously.

My policy has been if a task is going to run forever make it static. This makes debugging easier because the task stack and buffer are at fixed locations which I can optimise in terms of which memory and MPU settings to use. And I know exactly where they are. This also takes the heap out of the mix as a potential problem causing feature.

I also do the same for queues, semaphores etc.

On the odd occasion I have a number of transient tasks which are heavy memory users and that can be deleted on completion I use the dynamic versions for these.

Memory shortage is not usually an issue as I am generally using hi end processors with plenty of RAM and external ram.

My question:

  • Is my policy sound or should I be considering other factors?
  • Have you any guidelines or recommendations on this issue.

Kind Regards

Yes. That is a very sound strategy.

The only other thing to say is, knowing your target domain (the kind of device/application you are building) provides the insight to know which tasks must be static and which may be transitory when you do reach resource limits.

Know your requirements up front.
Plan estimated resources.
Early optimization is likely to optimize the wrong thing.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to throw out the prototype!

I use a similar system to you, and virtually ALL my tasks are static, as well as Queue, Semaphores, Mutexes and the like.

In fact, using my Wrappers, my tasks are global C++ objects that are automatically created at program startup time, so features can be added by just linking in new modules into the program and main is often just a call to the scheduler startup function.

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Thanks for that.

I’m knee-deep in prototypes so I get what you mean.

Kind Regards

Hi Richard,

Thanks for that.

Kind Regards