I’m a control systems engineer retired and love programming embedded systems.
I have been using FreeRTOS for twenty years mainly with the F4, F7 and H7 STM processors. I am not an expert on FreeRTOS as I have only used tasks, semaphores and queues.
I only use C for my embedded systems, but I have done a little on C++ for PC’s.
I have also done a lot of VBA with MS Access, Matlab Code, Simulink and Anywhere Software’s B4x offerings.
I started programming in 1978 when I bought a 6800 D2 kit whcih you had to program in assembly and input the program through a hex keypad. Things have moved on just a little since then.
I also use sQLite a lot and I ported an amalgamation on to a H7 processor using an sdCard as the media.
I would like to see fatfs, sqLite and FreeRTOS integrated into a package to save us poor applications programmers some pain.
Modern embedded sytems are quite capable of this as they have plenty of flash and the H7 has a MByte of RAM. You only need about 300k to run sqLite.