Was SemaphoreDelete() left out intentionally?

nobody wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

Couldn’t find it in v3.2.2, but it was in my code (since I was using v3.2.0 prior). Searched around and found no documentation of the feature, like it never existed…

Is there any reason it’s missing from semphr.h?


nobody wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

Just looked through all old versions and cannot find it anywhere.  Did you write it then forget?

Semaphores are just queues of length 1 and data size zero.  Dont see why not to add a delete function - provided it is empty when you delete it.

rtel wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

Not intentionally.  To be honest probably just because I’ve never required it myself  :slight_smile:

nobody wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

Could I be that stupid? I might have wrote it myself, but that was quite a long time ago if so.

Anyway, including such a macro is a great idea, isn’t it? :wink:

<trying to look less dumb>