Strange error when compiling FreeRTOS on ADUC

nobody wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:


I have ported FreeRTOS on ADUC7026 and want to create a task taht would launch a kind of Virtual machine for communication with bluetooth (abscp protocol).
I use the KEIL debugger as IDE.
As i compile my code i allways have an error with the stacktrace as listed at the end of this Thread.
When compiling my file abcsp_example.c, the compiler does not reconize the type pdTaskCode.
i have ensure myself that pdTaskCode have been defined.
Hier is a part of the trace:
compiling abcsp_example.c…
…\…\SOURCE\INCLUDE\PORTABLE.H(132): error C25: syntax error near ‘pxCode’
in PORTABLE.H(132) you can read this:

portSTACK_TYPE *pxPortInitialiseStack( portSTACK_TYPE *pxTopOfStack, pdTASK_CODE pxCode, void *pvParameters );

Could someone help me?

Hier is the whole Stacktrace:

compiling abcsp_example.c…
…\…\SOURCE\INCLUDE\PORTABLE.H(132): error C25: syntax error near ‘pxCode’

And hier is the whole Stacktrace.

compiling main.c…
compiling tasks.c…
compiling queue.c…
compiling list.c…
compiling portISR.c…
compiling port.c…
compiling heap_2.c…
compiling LEDs.c…
LEDS.C(52): warning C47: ‘pvParameters’: unreferenced parameter
LEDS.C(62): warning C47: ‘pvParameters’: unreferenced parameter
compiling abcsp_example.c…
…\…\SOURCE\INCLUDE\PORTABLE.H(132): error C25: syntax error near ‘pxCode’
…\…\SOURCE\INCLUDE\PORTABLE.H(137): error C25: syntax error near ‘xSize’
compiling txslip.c…
compiling txrx.c…
compiling txmsg.c…
compiling rxslip.c…
compiling rxmsgdemux.c…
compiling rxmsg.c…
compiling rxbcsp.c…
compiling le.c…
compiling crc.c…
compiling ADuC_SysOperation.c…
…\…\SOURCE\INCLUDE\PORTABLE.H(132): error C25: syntax error near ‘pxCode’
…\…\SOURCE\INCLUDE\PORTABLE.H(137): error C25: syntax error near ‘xSize’
TASKS\ADUC_SYSOPERATION.C(19): warning C47: ‘buf’: unreferenced parameter
TASKS\ADUC_SYSOPERATION.C(19): warning C47: ‘rel’: unreferenced parameter

Best regards

nobody wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

It is very bad to include processor header files in more than one file. It should only be introduced in ConfigFreeRTOS.h

That was the cause of my problem

Best regards


rtel wrote on Wednesday, October 26, 2005:

Each port contains a preprocessor macro that specifies which port layer header files to include.  The error from your original thread is indicative of the header file being included without the macro being defined - which in turn is indicative of exactly the cause you have described.

Let us know how your port progresses.


nobody wrote on Thursday, November 03, 2005:

I have successfuly port FreeRTOS on ADUC7026. Some files of LPC21xx habe been modified to match with the interrupt system of ADUC7026, which is different of the LPC21xx one.

best regards


nobody wrote on Friday, November 04, 2005:

Cool, maybe Richard will inlude it on the FreeRTOS site?

rtel wrote on Wednesday, November 09, 2005:


Could you send me a zip file, or a link?  Use the email address from the WEB site contact page (r dot barry ATAT free … org ).


dolphin123 wrote on Thursday, April 03, 2008:

Hello all

Has anyone succeeded in porting FreeRTOS to ADuC702x series of microcontrollers from ADI? Can I get, even an incomplete port, on which I can build?

Any suggestion, pointers?

Thank you very much
