setting up a UDP "connection" in the DEMO

biker126 wrote on Thursday, September 27, 2007:

hello everyone!

now that I finally managed to adjust the freeRTOS/uIP demo (for LPC2368 under eclipse with GCC) I tried to make a "UDP task" but got some problems.

here’s what I did so far:

1. adjusted folder structure of the project (every source is in the project folder now) --> webserver still works
2. switched from thumb to arm compiling mode --> webserver still works when I disable MAM (MAM is bugged for initial revision and revision A)
3. added my own task, a "dummytask" that only counts up a variable every 10 ticks (with "taskdelayuntil()") --> webserver still works

so far, so good :slight_smile:

now I replaced that basic dummy task with something more advanced. I set the UIP_CONF_UDP in uip_conf.h and include the "myTask.h" file. The Header files look as follows (just to give you a small overview of what I did).

########################   myTask.h:   #######################

#ifndef MYTASK_H_
#define MYTASK_H_

#include "myApp.h"

void mytask( void* pvParameters);
void myapp_call(void);
void udp_config(void);

typedef struct udp_state uip_udp_appstate_t;

#define UIP_UDP_APPCALL myapp_call

extern packet p;
extern packet* packet_ptr;

#endif /*MYTASK_H_*/

######################   myApp.h:    ######################

#ifndef MYAPP_H_
#define MYAPP_H_

struct udp_state {
    int emptyvar;
    int nothing;
typedef struct my_packet {
    unsigned long ticks;
    unsigned long number;
} packet;
#endif /*MYAPP_H_*/

########################   myTask.c ######################

#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "FreeRTOS.h"
#include "Task.h"
#include "myTask.h"
#include "uip.h"

packet p;
int valid_data = 0;
packet *packet_ptr;   

struct uip_udp_conn *udp_conn;

void mytask( void* pvParameters)
    portTickType xLastWakeTime;
    const portTickType xFrequency = 10;
    portCHAR buf[20];
    portLONG i = 0;
    p.ticks = 0;
    p.number = 0;   

    xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount();

    for (;:wink:
        vTaskDelayUntil( &xLastWakeTime, xFrequency );
        i += 2;
        if (i%10 == 0)
            i = 0;
        if (valid_data == 0)
            // get ticks
            p.ticks = xTaskGetTickCount();   
            // increase packt number
            // indicate that p contains valid (= new) data now
            valid_data = 1;   

void myapp_call(void)
    int lala = 5;
    if ( uip_udp_conn->rport == HTONS(53) )
        if ( uip_poll() )
            if (valid_data == 1)
                // set packet_ptr to address of uip_appdata (= the uip_buf[])
                packet_ptr = (packet*) uip_appdata;
                // clear the required memory
                memset(packet_ptr, 0, sizeof(packet));
                // write the data into the buffer
                packet_ptr->ticks = p.ticks;
                packet_ptr->number = p.number;
                // send out the data
                // indicate that the data has been send
                valid_data == 0;
        if ( uip_newdata() )

void udp_config(void)
    uip_ipaddr_t addr;   
    uip_ipaddr(&addr, 192,168,2,20);
    udp_conn = uip_udp_new(&addr, HTONS(53));   

the udp_config i call inside the uIP_Task (as the demo calls httpd() in there too) just befor the endless loop. I also adjusted the uIP_Task loop and added the sequence to call uip_udp_periodic() (an example for thats is provided with the uIP stack code/doc).

now my big problem is:
after these changes the uIP_Task gets STUCK when initialising the EMAC controller!!

the following while loop never gets "false" and thus the uIP_Task just sleeps endless (at least thats how it behaves. the other tasks, like LED and LCD still work and when i want to step _over_ that loop GDB stays on "running" mode)

while( Init_EMAC() != pdPASS )
        vTaskDelay( uipINIT_WAIT );

sorry for the long post but maybe anyone got an idea what I’m doing wrong? maybe I missed to change a config-settings?

thanks in advance
D. Holzwarth

rtel wrote on Friday, September 28, 2007:

There were some posts on this in the uIP mailing this this week - this might provide some useful examples.


biker126 wrote on Sunday, September 30, 2007:

it seems to work now :slight_smile:

even tho I dont really know why it’s working now and didn’t work before ^^
maybe it got something to do with the unstable MAM of the LPC2368/78 …