prvProcessExpiredTimer got NULL pxTimer. How to troubleshoot?

I have an FreeRTOS application and I am currently stuck on pxTimer being NULL. Please see below. The pxTimer after listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY is actually NULL. Surprisingly, this function actually got through the end where it tried to make a call pxTimer->pxCallbackFunction. That was where I caught a Usage Fault.
What could be the possible causes for this issue ?

static void prvProcessExpiredTimer( const TickType_t xNextExpireTime, const TickType_t xTimeNow )
BaseType_t xResult;
Timer_t * const pxTimer = ( Timer_t * ) listGET_OWNER_OF_HEAD_ENTRY( pxCurrentTimerList ); /*lint !e9087 !e9079 void * is used as this macro is used with tasks and co-routines too.  Alignment is known to be fine as the type of the pointer stored and retrieved is the same. */

	/* Remove the timer from the list of active timers.  A check has already
	been performed to ensure the list is not empty. */
	( void ) uxListRemove( &( pxTimer->xTimerListItem ) );
	traceTIMER_EXPIRED( pxTimer );

	/* If the timer is an auto reload timer then calculate the next
	expiry time and re-insert the timer in the list of active timers. */
	if( ( pxTimer->ucStatus & tmrSTATUS_IS_AUTORELOAD ) != 0 )
		/* The timer is inserted into a list using a time relative to anything
		other than the current time.  It will therefore be inserted into the
		correct list relative to the time this task thinks it is now. */
		if( prvInsertTimerInActiveList( pxTimer, ( xNextExpireTime + pxTimer->xTimerPeriodInTicks ), xTimeNow, xNextExpireTime ) != pdFALSE )
			/* The timer expired before it was added to the active timer
			list.  Reload it now.  */
			xResult = xTimerGenericCommand( pxTimer, tmrCOMMAND_START_DONT_TRACE, xNextExpireTime, NULL, tmrNO_DELAY );
			configASSERT( xResult );
			( void ) xResult;
		pxTimer->ucStatus &= ~tmrSTATUS_IS_ACTIVE;

	/* Call the timer callback. */
	pxTimer->pxCallbackFunction( ( TimerHandle_t ) pxTimer );

Seems there is a data corruption of the FreeRTOS internal data.
In this case the std. question is:
Did you define configASSERT and also enable stack overflow checking for development/debugging to catch possible fatal errors or data corruptions ?
Are the stack sizes of your tasks large enough ?
Given the application code itself is not causing the problem due to an programming error like a buffer overflow.