spaark wrote on Wednesday, May 04, 2011:
Is there a port for the STM32-SK Development Kit from IAR? I’m using this to evaluate a RTOS (e.g. Segger EmbOS, Micrium uC/OS-II, FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS) for our future projects.
spaark wrote on Wednesday, May 04, 2011:
Is there a port for the STM32-SK Development Kit from IAR? I’m using this to evaluate a RTOS (e.g. Segger EmbOS, Micrium uC/OS-II, FreeRTOS/OpenRTOS) for our future projects.
rtel wrote on Thursday, May 05, 2011:
There is an STM32/IAR port, and several demos that target different kits. That particular kit is probably not one of them, but it would be easy to change an existing demo to run on that kit. You would have to change the target device in the project options to be correct for the part on that kit, and probably change a few IO definitions as the LEDs are bound to be on different port pins (LED IO is all encapsulated in a single and simple file).
Generally the effort would be minimal. If you supplied the hardware, I could even do it for you, for a very modest fee ;o) Alternatively, you could use FreeRTOS on a different board to evaluate it (in fact, it does not even have to be an STM32 board, just a Cortex-M3 board, as the cores are the same, and the use of FreeRTOS will be the same) - then if you decide to go down the commercial route, get High Integrity Systems to provide a demo for your target.