how can I fix the errors illustrated in this picture while building atmega323 demo in IAR compiler? these errors are related to PollQ.c file.
Hi @Jahanipur
Welcome to FreeRTOS Community Forums !
The issue that you face can be because your device does not support 64 bit variable.
You can try changing the compilation flags and then building the project .
Go to Project > Options > General Options .
Under the Target tab, select your specific 32-bit device or microcontroller from the list.
The signature of vTaskDelay is the following:
void vTaskDelay( const TickType_t xTicksToDelay );
What is TickType_t defined to for your port? You can check it in your portmacro.h - FreeRTOS-Kernel/portable/IAR/ARM_CM4F/portmacro.h at main · FreeRTOS/FreeRTOS-Kernel · GitHub.
No. My device is selected true. I found the cause of this problem. My compiler doesn’t have “stdint.h” by itself & I use the “stdint” file provided by freertos kernel in the directory “source/include/stdint.readme” but uint64_t is not defined in this file. I added these two lines in this file:
typedef long long int64_t
typedef unsigned long long uint64_t
and the problem solved. I suggest freertos development team to edit this file by adding these two lines in it in order that other users won’t deal with this problem.
It defined 16 bits and it is correct.
The solution of the problem is that I said to RAHUL KAR
Glad that you figured! Would you like to raise a PR or would you like us to?