Ping to FreeRTOS windows visual studio simulator from same PC/HOST

I can not ping my virtual visual studio simulator from the same pc. I can only test the Windows simulation +TCP project from a different laptop, or from an external embedded device.

Ping is working properly from a different PC to my FreeRTOS windows simulator. But why it is not working from same PC?

I there any way or some settings in windows where I can ping to my virtual simulator from the same pc or host?

Is this thread useful? Windows Port Issues

Yes helpful. But still I am getting “ping destination host unreachable”.

Ping is not working yet. Still some settings are missing I guess.

Do you have an Ethernet cable plugged in to the network card you are selecting with the configNETWORK_INTERFACE_TO_USE setting? Unfortunately it has to be Ethernet, not Wi-Fi.

Are the IP addresses and netmask values in the FreeRTOS executable, the host PC on which the executable is running, and the network the PC is connected to all compatible with each other (are all on the same subnet)?

Yes, I have set configNETWORK_INTERFACE_TO_USE macro to wired connection. And yes all are in same subnet mask.

Everything is as per the guideline in your one tutorial. I dont know why it causes the problem with the pinging.