PIC32 FreeRTOS example 1

pic32-rookie wrote on Saturday, November 17, 2012:

Example 1 has 2 tasks, each printing text to identify one from the other.
It runs in the debugger, it hits  the breakpoints,etc, but the text output does not appear in the Build Output window.
Can anyone tell me why?

rtel wrote on Saturday, November 17, 2012:

Are you talking about the examples that come with the book?

If so, then the output to the debugger window use a Microchip library, and it is possible that a change in compiler version has changed the library, or the initialisation required by the library.

If you can confirm which demos you are using I can take a look.


pic32-rookie wrote on Wednesday, November 21, 2012:

Richard - The demo code came with the PIC32 kit , in “source-code-for-PIC32-examples.zip” file.
Example01 folder has the code with project file is RTOSDemo.mcp.

Hopefully this helps.

rtel wrote on Wednesday, November 21, 2012:

Thanks.  I will give it a try with the latest PIC32 compiler.
