PIC32 Demo another certain behavior

randers wrote on Saturday, January 17, 2009:


in …\Common\Minimal \comtest.c is the definition for the comm.buffer size as follows:

#define comBUFFER_LEN  ( 24 )  /* ‘X’-‘A’+1 … */

OK, Richard mentioned, this demo is "not a optimized solution".
But it works. But only, if the buffersize is lower then 108 ?!

#define comBUFFER_LEN  ( 108 )  /* or larger value */

it seems, as if the OS does not start ?!


rtel wrote on Saturday, January 17, 2009:

Look at how the buffer is used.  If it dimensions a queue then look at: "I added a simple task to a demo, and now the demo crashes!" on http://www.freertos.org/FAQHelp.htmlhttp://www.freertos.org/a00111.html .  These links will be relevant if vTaskStartScheduler() is returning.


randers wrote on Saturday, January 17, 2009:

Thanks Richard.
It is very pretty to get answers even on saturday afternoon (in Germany).
