LPC2368 with Keil tools?

rtel wrote on Tuesday, May 29, 2007:

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I’d like to have info about port of FreeRTOS to ARM7 (possibly LPC2368 / MCB2300 demo board) using Keil MDK (uVision).

I also have seen on FreeRTOS a port involving uIP based on Rowley CrossStudio. Is it possible to have uIP ported on Keil too?

rtel wrote on Tuesday, May 29, 2007:

Currently the FreeRTOS.org download does not contain any ports for the Keil IDE with the ARM compiler, although there are ports for the Keil IDE with the old (and now defunct) Keil compiler.

I do plan to include support for the new Keil/ARM combination when time allows.  I’m currently working on a couple of new things, so it will be a week or two before I get the chance.  In the mean time I have some code written by a third party that uses the Keil/ARM tools on a SAM7 that I can provide if required.  The SAM7 is also ARM7 based so converting this to run on an LPC2368 is quite straight forward.

One of the problems in supporting the Keil/ARM tools is the limitations of the evaluation version.  You can only create applications that have a *combined* code *and* data size of 16KBytes of less.  This is not adequate to do anything interesting with TCP/IP.

If you would like a copy of the code then email me at r _dot_ barry [at] freertos.org.  Do not use a SourceForge email address as binary attachments will get stripped off.

Converting from SAM7 to LPC would involve:

1) Changing the prvSetupTimerInterrupt() function to use the LPC timer in place of the SAM7 timer.  You can use the CrossWorks port as an example of how to do this (should just be able to copy the function out of the CrossWorks port).

2) Changing the interrupt setups to use the LPC VIC in place of the SAM7 AIC.

3) Changing the startup code to use the Keil assembler syntax.  Make sure stacks are setup for Supervisor and IRQ modes (as a minimum) and that main() is called from Supervisor mode.  There is no need to setup a stack for User mode as the kernel does this for you when you create tasks.

If you download the demo version of CrossWorks then you can open the existing uIP project to see which files need to be included to run the WEB server demo.  uIP requires some structures to be packed, and the syntax to do this is compiler dependent.  The macro portPACK_STRUCT_END is provided for this purpose.  In GCC you set this to __attribute__((packed)), I’m not sure what the Keil equivalent is.


frankandersen wrote on Wednesday, May 30, 2007:

I would like to have it for IAR tools.

Best regards

Frank Andersen

rtel wrote on Wednesday, May 30, 2007:

It should not be too difficult to re-target the existing LPC2129/IAR demo to run on the LPC2368:

+ Change the linker script to be correct for the LPC2368 memory map.

+ Update the timer setup, which is slightly different between the LPC2129 and LPC2368.  You can take the code from the Rowley project (prvSetupTimerInterrupt() in port.c).

+ Include the files that are included in the Rowley project.

+ Make sure the uIP structure packing is performed correctly.  In IAR you have to use #pragma’s in place of the __attribute__((“packed”)) used in GCC.  There will be an IAR uIP demo in FreeRTOS.org V4.3.0 which will be released in a week or so, although this is not for the LPC2368 you will still be able to use the files.


sashiono wrote on Wednesday, May 30, 2007:

What’s wrong with using gcc?? I posted up a port a while back

frankandersen wrote on Tuesday, July 03, 2007:


I am trying to port to the LPC2378 using the IAR compiler. I started with the LPC2129 project.

I have tried to copy the prvSetupTimerIntterupt from the Rowley project, and changed the interrupt entry. But I am not sure if it is correct. It does not work. Any ideas?

Best regards, Frank Andersen

static void prvSetupTimerInterrupt( void )
unsigned portLONG ulCompareMatch;

    PCLKSEL0 = (PCLKSEL0 & (~(0x3<<2))) | (0x01 << 2);
    T0TCR  = 2;         /* Stop and reset the timer */
    T0CTCR = 0;         /* Timer mode               */
    /* A 1ms tick does not require the use of the timer prescale.  This is
    defaulted to zero but can be used if necessary. */

    /* Calculate the match value required for our wanted tick rate. */
    ulCompareMatch = configCPU_CLOCK_HZ / configTICK_RATE_HZ;

    /* Protect against divide by zero.  Using an if() statement still results
    in a warning - hence the #if. */
    #if portPRESCALE_VALUE != 0
        ulCompareMatch /= ( portPRESCALE_VALUE + 1 );
    T0MR1 = ulCompareMatch;

    /* Generate tick with timer 0 compare match. */
    T0MCR  = (3 << 3);  /* Reset timer on match and generate interrupt */

    /* Setup the VIC for the timer. */
    VICINTENABLE = 0x00000010;
    /* The ISR installed depends on whether the preemptive or cooperative
    scheduler is being used. */
    #if configUSE_PREEMPTION == 1
//        extern void ( vPreemptiveTick )( void );
//        VICVECTADDR4 = ( portLONG ) vPreemptiveTick;
                extern void ( vPortPreemptiveTickEntry )( void );
            VICVECTADDR4 = ( portLONG ) vPortPreemptiveTickEntry;
        extern void ( vNonPreemptiveTick )( void );
        VICVectAddr4 = ( portLONG ) vNonPreemptiveTick;


    /* Start the timer - interrupts are disabled when this function is called
    so it is okay to do this here. */

davedoors wrote on Tuesday, July 03, 2007:

All looks ok.  What is not working?  Try just setting up the interrupt outside of FreeRTOS and get it to toggle an LED every second to check the interrupt setup first.


frankandersen wrote on Wednesday, July 04, 2007:

When the Scheduler is started it just branches to <undefvec> in cstartup.s

It looks to me like the VicVectorAddr for the timer is okay, and the VicAddress holds the address of the timer vPortPreemptiveTick.

Any Ideas?

Best regards, Frank Andersen

frankandersen wrote on Wednesday, July 04, 2007:

Does anything in the cstartup.s79 file need to be changed in order to work with LPC2378?

I have used the one from LPC2129 port.

Best regards, Frank Andersen

davedoors wrote on Wednesday, July 04, 2007:

I would think the same startup file could be used.  Make sure you are using the one from the other project though.  It is easy to accidentally use the one from the IAR installation directory as this is the default when setting up a project.

frankandersen wrote on Thursday, July 05, 2007:

Well, in cstartup.s79 the IRQVEC has to be changed to:

                LDR            PC, [PC, #-0x0120]  ; Vector from VicVectAddr

If I put in a while (1); in xPortStartScheduler after prvSetupTimerInterrupt(); and enable interrupts, the timer interrupt is working.

Changed to compile in Thumb, and now the processor keeps runing, but the Flash tast only run once when it is started, the timer interrupt is runing and TickCount is counting…

What to lookk for?

Best regards, Frank Andersen

frankandersen wrote on Friday, July 06, 2007:

Well, now it is running

in SetupTimer I changed, to use match 0 register, for some reason when using match 1 register, the timing on the interrupt did not match, the frequency was 16 kHz.

So in the above setup, changes this:

T0MR0 = ulCompareMatch;

* Generate tick with timer 0 compare match. */
T0MCR  = 3;//(3 << 3);  /* Reset timer on match and generate interrupt */

Best regards, Frank Andersen