looking for the file of demo project

paksoft wrote on Monday, May 30, 2011:

Hi dude,
    I’m looking for the demo project file called “freertos-simple-demo-for-the-keil-cortex-m3-simulator.zip” which is described in “FR-191-AN-RB-004-.pdf” http://www.freertos.org/index.html?http://www.freertos.org/simple-freertos-demos.html.
   Actually, “FreeRTOS-simple-demo-for-Cortex-M3-using-the-Keil-MDK-simulator.zip” file is not the right file, I think because the content and simulation set up are not the same.


rtel wrote on Monday, May 30, 2011:

Oops, you are right, the link to the source code had got messed up.  I have now corrected it.  Please go back to the page you linked to above ( http://www.freertos.org/simple-freertos-demos.html ) and try downloading the source code again.  You might need to refresh the frame in the web browser to get the correct zip file, in case the old zip file has been locally cached on your machine.

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.


paksoft wrote on Monday, May 30, 2011:

Thanks, Richard Barry, it works now. I’m still new to RTOS. So there are a lot of question to ask.  It would be great if you put some demo project for Keil with LPC17xx (Cortex-M3).
