In FreeRTOS 4.0.0 while running awe tuning tool I am seeing spurious retransmission
We have set the window properties as below

Can you please help me
In FreeRTOS 4.0.0 while running awe tuning tool I am seeing spurious retransmission
Hi @Bhavya443,
Could you kindly provide more details about your testing environment? If possible, would it be feasible to capture the packet information at the remote peer side for verification purposes?
Thank you.
Hi @ActoryOu , we have made the TCP/IP connection between SC59x application and the AWE Tool. While tuning AWE audio flow, communication error is happening due to TCP/IP Rx Buffer overflow. In the logs You can see the spurious retransmissions error
For the driver we set the ip as and port 15004 kept as server
For the client i.e tuning tool we kept ip as pc)
It seems that the PC is unable to receive packets from SC59x at the end (no ACK from it anymore). If possible, could you kindly check if the device is still running when this issue occurs? Could you help elaborate more on TCP/IP Rx Buffer overflow?
Thank you.
Hi @ActoryOu , Sorry for the delay, I have checked from SC59x the device is running( by checking the external ping is happening)
But TCP connection which we made with tuning tool is getting spurious retransmission as per logs and we are getting awe tool chain failure in this case with FreeRTOS-TCP4.0.0
When I tried with FreeRTOS TCP 3.0.0 stack we are getting slower communication as below
Could you kindly enable logging by configuring configPRINTF, ipconfigHAS_DEBUG_PRINTF, and ipconfigHAS_PRINTF, and provide the console logs for analysis purposes?
Thank you.
This appears to be the same screenshot as in this thread:
Why are you posting the same question twice? Or aren’t you aware of a colleague asking the same question?
Please check the priorities of the various tasks in the system and ensure that the tasks handling TCP traffic are nopt starved .
A reference to the reply for slow rate in 3.0.0 is at: In FreeRTOS_TCP_3.0.0 TCP/IP stack facing slower communication while running AWE tuning interface - #20 by aggarg
@ Bhavya443
I was wondering if changing the priorities as suggested helped with the issue? Or have you managed to solve the issue differently?