How to populate only my devices in the local network?


Although this is my first post, I have been busy with FreeRTOS for a while.
I have LPC1769 on my custom board. It runs a web server.
My question is that if there is a proven way to make devices in a network easily browsable?

I have other devices are using an additional LAN module like super-port. That LAN modules can be found in the network by simply sending an UDP message from an application and all the LAN modules report themselves back accordingly. In the meanwhile they are all still effectively working as TCP Client responding other tasks. I like to achieve sort of thing.

I am using FreeRTOS 10.3.1 and using uIP TCP/IP Stack comes with samples.

I appreciate your inputs from now.

Best Regards,

Not sure this is either a FreeRTOS or an ARM question, but more a local networking protocol question - I think there are several ways of doing what you what (such as LLMNR, MDNS, etc). Although you don’t say which TCP/IP stack you are using I will move the post to the Libraries category.

I didn’t know that this is just a networking thing out of FreeRTOS?! However I still feel a bit lost. How do you make sure the devices you populate from your custom application are yours ONLY?
I can browse all the devices in local network but I need only mines to be appeared. Could you be more specific? I started to read about LLMNR, mDNS, etc… anyway.