How to import and build FreeRTOS_UDP_Demo on DS-5 for eclipse

nboubaker wrote on Thursday, May 15, 2014:

Using FreeRTOSV7.5.0 and eclipse for DS-5 renesas
How to buil and test a FreeRTOS-Plus demo for example FreeRTOS-Plus-UDP on eclipse for DS-5 renesas?

rtel wrote on Thursday, May 15, 2014:

Why are you using such an old version?

I would suggest the following:

  1. Ensure you DS-5 FreeRTOS project is building, debugging and executing on your target hardware.

  2. Add the FreeRTOS+UDP source files into the project. Basically all the files that reside outside the portable layer. You can look at the projects files used by the demos for a reference:

  3. Implement the macros that are necessary to build the code with DS-5 as described here:

  4. Implement the MAC interface as described here:
    again, you can use the demo projects for references.
