Getting started with Amazon FreeRTOS older versions

haperera wrote on February 09, 2020:

I have been following the user guide for amazon freeRTOS [] and was able to successfully build the demo MQTT application to STMicro vendor. However, for the research purposes, I needed to build few binaries with the older versions of amazon freeRTOS. When I downloaded the releases from GitHub(the zip of the sources) , there was no any cmakelist and cmake files and I could not follow the procedure that was mentioned in the latest user documentation. I searched all over the internet to find the user guides for older versions, to find the correct way to generate the binary and have been failing to do so. In particular, I tried with versions 1.2.7, 1.3.0 and also the oldest one 1.0.0. and I didn't find anything helpful to compile with the relevant version. I am a beginner to the area and sorry if i am asking some foolish thing. I don't know what else to do and any help is highly appreciated. Thank you very much.

qiutongs wrote on February 11, 2020:

CMake wasn't supported until recent release [201906.00_Major]

Unfortunately, we don't have user documents for the Amazon FreeRTOS versions you want. You can open projects on the target platform. For example, here is the Windows Simulator project of v1.2.7

And you can still use our latest document for reference(how to use IDE, change configuration, what to expect in demo).

qiutongs wrote on February 11, 2020:

Since here is the same github issue. Let's make further discussion there and close this.