Freertos tracing

I have a ARM board and I’m using freertos as a application project .
Can anyone suggest me the profiling tool for free rtos, so that i can see the status and time taken by each task .

Please refer this post Profiling tools for FREE RTOS

I cannot find them, if you know tell me the tool which must be a application without any requirement of extra hardware other than the microcontroller i’m using

Cannot find what? If your requirement is to find the time taken by each task, are you facing any problem in using vTaskGetRunTimeStatistics?

I need a profiling tool i.e application for getting all the relevant statistics

Depending on the IDE you are using, it may provide a plugin to give you some of these stats. One such example is - FreeRTOS Kernel Awareness for Eclipse from NXP | MCU on Eclipse.

If you want more insights you can use Tracelyzer or Segger SystemView.

I’m using Stm32cubeide, vitis ide.
I want to use segger .
But for that i need a hardware i.e J link
So tracealyzer is only a software tool but it needs a license.
Can you give me more about this?

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