FreeRTOS port for AT32AP7000 renamed on Sourc

rbarzic wrote on Tuesday, April 03, 2007:


In order to remove any confusion between the official AVR32 FreeRTOS port for the new Atmel AT32UC3A familly and my port for the AT32AP7x familly, I’ve decided to rename the SourceForge project to
“AVR32-FreeRTOS for AP700x”

The new unix name (used by the Subversion server) will be

The project webpage is now located here :

Comming soon :
- Uboot support (JtagIce mkII will no longer be required )
- Network Gateway support


rtel wrote on Tuesday, April 03, 2007:

…link updated…you might need to refresh the page to get the new link.

I wanted to post a news item on the site about the new port, but it does not seem to be working.  When I submit the item the page just times out :frowning:
