nobody wrote on Wednesday, September 13, 2006:
I tested it with the recent changes and PAP support looks good. In addition I commitd the changes to the FreeModbus STR71XTCP port in CVS.
A interesting thing to check for would be the number of allocataed/free buffers before and after a PPP connection has been closed. I think this could be done by the following test sequence:
1) print free/allocated buffers
2) start a PPP connection
3) print free/allocated buffers ( for example in
the callback)
4) shutdown PPP connection.
5) let pppMain exit.
6) print free/allocated buffers.
If they are the same I think we have resolved all the memory leak issues. Anyway I found it very interesting that we are the first ones noticing these bugs because lwIP is quite common.
Kind regards,
Christian Walter