nobody wrote on Wednesday, September 06, 2006:
Look, I think it is ok now:
sys_arch_thread_new( void ( *thread ) ( void *arg ), void *arg, int prio, size_t ssize )
sys_thread_t thread_hdl = SYS_THREAD_NULL;
int i;
sys_tcb_t *p;
/* We disable the FreeRTOS scheduler because it might be the case that the new
* tasks gets scheduled inside the xTaskCreate function. To prevent this we
* disable the scheduling. Note that this can happen although we have interrupts
* disabled because xTaskCreate contains a call to taskYIELD( ).
vPortEnterCritical( );
// vTaskSuspendAll( );
p = tasks;
i = 0;
/* We are called the first time. Initialize it. */
if( p == NULL )
p = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( sys_tcb_t ) );
if( p != NULL )
tasks = p;
while( p->next != NULL )
p = p->next;
p->next = pvPortMalloc( sizeof( sys_tcb_t ) );
p = p->next;
if( p != NULL )
/* Memory allocated. Initialize the data structure. */
( void )snprintf( p->name, THREAD_NAME_LEN_MAX, "lwIP%d", i );
/* Now q points to a free element in the list. */
if( xTaskCreate( thread, p->name, ssize, arg, prio, &p->pid ) == pdPASS )
thread_hdl = p;
vPortFree( p );
// ( void )xTaskResumeAll( );
vPortExitCritical( );
return thread_hdl;
sys_arch_thread_remove( sys_thread_t hdl )
sys_tcb_t *current = tasks, *prev;
sys_tcb_t *toremove = hdl;
xTaskHandle pid = ( xTaskHandle ) 0;
// LWIP_ASSERT( "sys_arch_thread_remove: assertion hdl != NULL failed!", hdl != NULL );
/* If we have to remove the first task we must update the global “tasks”
* variable. */
vPortEnterCritical( );
if( hdl != NULL )
prev = NULL;
while( ( current != NULL ) && ( current != toremove ) )
prev = current;
current = current->next;
/* Found it. */
if( current == toremove )
/* Not the first entry in the list. */
if( prev != NULL )
prev->next = toremove->next;
tasks = toremove->next;
// LWIP_ASSERT( “sys_arch_thread_remove: can’t remove thread with timeouts!”,
// toremove-> == NULL );
pid = toremove->pid;
vPortFree( toremove );
/* We are done with accessing the shared datastructure. Release the
* resources.
vPortExitCritical( );
if( pid != ( xTaskHandle ) 0 )
vTaskDelete( pid );
/* not reached. */
best rgs