FreeRTOS for ATMEL AVR32_UC3B - Unresolved inclusion stddef.h

george888 wrote on Monday, March 12, 2018:

Hi I am trying to use FreeRTOS for my Atmel Studio project to get serial flash to work. I am using AVR32/GNU C Compiler. However, I got Unresolved inclusion stddef.h, ros_defs.h, etc.

Please advise what I do wrong?

rtel wrote on Monday, March 12, 2018:

Where did you get the port from? Note the port in the FreeRTOS download
contains workarounds for issues that non longer exist in production
AVR32 devices - so please ensure to use the version provided by Atmel
(now Microchip) themselves.

stddef.h should be provided by GCC. Do you have the path to the tools
correct in your project options? Can you verify the file exists in the
compiler’s installation directory. Don’t know about ros_defs.h.

george888 wrote on Monday, March 12, 2018:

Thanks Richard for your help. ros_defs.h and ros_even.h are part of RTC driver (real time counter). I got this sample code from third party, which require me to add FreeRTOS and make it to work. Run into this compile error in AVRSTudio 2.6: no such file or driectory.