FreeRTOS FAT Media Driver

rahimoval wrote on Wednesday, July 01, 2015:

I am interested in FAT provided by FreeFTOS which is currently in the lab. The example provides a simple RAM disc driver. I wanted to write a driver for the MCU internal flash. So I want to use certain pages of the internal flash for the FAT and save the needed fileas permanently. Has anybody any experience with writing media drivers for FreeRTOS FAT? And one more question. It is also possible to use the FAT without FreeRTOS, but I have seen in some places of code that the semaphores (FreeRTOS specific) are used. struct xFF_CREATION_PARAMETERS has a member called *pvSemaphore which must be created by xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex(). What to do here If I want to use the FAT without FreeRTOS?
Thanks in advance

heinbali01 wrote on Wednesday, July 01, 2015:

Hi Shuhrat,

What to do here If I want to use the FAT without FreeRTOS?

+FAT was developed without a specific operating system. The example uses (links with) ff_locking.c, but you are free to provide your own versions of those functions.

If you use +FAT from a single task (or without any OS), there is no need for locking at all.

I wanted to write a driver for the MCU internal flash.

I am not sure about the minimum flash space that is needed to create a +FAT drive.

struct xFF_CREATION_PARAMETERS has a member called *pvSemaphore
which must be created by xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex().

That is a void pointer and your are free to use your own function which create a semaphore.

Regards, Hein