Congrats on the 7.2.0 Release with FreeRTOS+

westmorelandeng wrote on Thursday, August 16, 2012:


Wow - I am excited to see this release!

I am working on a couple of projects presently - and I am porting over FreeRTOS to the application(s).

I was pleasantly surprised to see the FreeRTOS+ announcement.

I am excited to learn more and to use the new tools.

Also - regarding the MSP430X issue that was recently posted - did that change make it into the 7.2.0 release?

I have been using 7.1.1 and just downloaded 7.2.0 - will look at that more closely shortly.

Best Regards,

rtel wrote on Thursday, August 16, 2012:

Also - regarding the MSP430X issue that was recently posted - did that change make it into the 7.2.0 release?

Yes.  The full change history is here
