FreeRtos port for MSP340F1611

nobody wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

We are trying to get a simple RTOS for a packet radio application using MSP430F1611 with chipcon CC1100 radio. For development purposes we are using softBuagh development board containing the controller and the radio chip.

We are using IAR work bench ver V3.42 or development.

Under RTOS Port I notice some benchmark information for MSP430 ( with a Softbaugh demo including LCD driver. MSPGCC and Rowley CrossWorks tools are supported.)

I would like to port FreeRtos to run on sofBaugh board.
Where do I get the necessary sources to port?
Any suggestions and advice welcome.

Raja Gopalan
Eigent Inc.

nobody wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

Lookup FreeRTOS on

westmorelandeng wrote on Thursday, February 01, 2007:

I’ve done the port for 4.1.3 w/3.42A of IAR but I haven’t posted it yet.  I was working on the '4619 but the IAR CSTACK frame is different for the MSP430X architecture…

You can grab the latest posted for IAR (4.1.1) - just update the kernel source files - and it should work.  You may have to fix up
a few #defines - but it should be somewhat obvious when you compile.  Since you have the ported code - you can just do some
quick compares to find what’s different. 

I can post 4.1.3 within the next few days.

I have a 4.1.1 port posted for the zxTechnologies development system w/'1611.  You can refer to the port notes from the previous
post for that system to take a look at the steps I did for the port.  The port notes file should be helpful to you and you can use it as a guideline for your particular board - softBaugh in this case.

John W.

nobody wrote on Friday, February 02, 2007:

Hello John,

Thanks for your contribution…

Actually I downloaded the port TI MSP430 IAR this afternoon.
The file name is  Now I can’t seem to find that in your site.

Anyway, unzipped the files from  to folder c:\TI_U64_Demo\FreeRTOSv401\…     (keeping the folder names same as in the zip file)

c:\TI_U64_Demo\readme.txt says:
"Note:  The kernel contained in this port is for 4.0.2 - the other code is 4.0.1"

Using c:\TI_U64_Demo\FreeRTOSv401\FreeRTOS_MSP_Port.eww
I was able to build the execuatble and load onto softBaugh board and able to run the demo. (with few lines of change…)
using IAR work bench.

I notice xAreComTestTasksStillRunning() always returning  pdFALSE.
Hence task vErrorChecks()  calls
vParTestToggleLED(mainCHECK_LED )  which I have enabled to blink an LED properly.

When I furthur traced the code,
interrupt function vRxISR() is kicked when a chacter is received in U1RXBUF with a new character. Like wise vRxISR()interrupt function is called when U1TXBUF is empty and the chracter received is sent out.  This is in spite of nothing is physically connected to UART1 port on the board!!

The charcter received and sent are sequential ascii characters don’t know how they are getting in. Have you come across any such?

I want to be able to connect UART1 to COM port on the PC and be able to send and receive data. besides setting UART1 port, is there anything else I need to be aware of??

Also have you exercised tracecon  exe files?  in
FreeRtosconfig.h I have defined configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY as 1.


westmorelandeng wrote on Friday, February 02, 2007:


> c:\TI_U64_Demo\readme.txt says:
"Note: The kernel contained in this port is for 4.0.2 - the other code is 4.0.1"

The zip file that you’ve found wasn’t meant for release - the note above is from an older post and doesn’t apply.

> Using c:\TI_U64_Demo\FreeRTOSv401\FreeRTOS_MSP_Port.eww 
I was able to build the execuatble and load onto softBaugh board and able to run the demo. (with few lines of change…)
using IAR work bench.

Good to hear you’ve got it working.

> I notice xAreComTestTasksStillRunning() always returning pdFALSE.
Hence task vErrorChecks() calls 
vParTestToggleLED(mainCHECK_LED ) which I have enabled to blink an LED properly.

Not sure about this since I didn’t intend this for release…

> When I furthur traced the code,
interrupt function vRxISR() is kicked when a chacter is received in U1RXBUF with a new character. Like wise vRxISR()interrupt function is called when U1TXBUF is empty and the chracter received is sent out. This is in spite of nothing is physically connected to UART1 port on the board!!

Yep - that’s how the serial port demo. works - it’s in loopback mode.  Real useful for test purposes.

> The charcter received and sent are sequential ascii characters don’t know how they are getting in. Have you come across any such?

Yes - that’s the serial port demo.

> I want to be able to connect UART1 to COM port on the PC and be able to send and receive data. besides setting UART1 port, is there anything else I need to be aware of??

Yes - you need to be aware that the serial port code is just for demo. purposes - it isn’t a full-blown serial port implementation.  You’ll probably be able to see the loop-backed characters but you won’t be able to send any commands to the UART with the demo. code unless you add that code yourself.

> Also have you exercised tracecon exe files? in 
FreeRtosconfig.h I have defined configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY as 1. 

Yes - I’ve used this tool - see the FreeRTOS web-site for good instructions.  You’ll need to assign a buffer space and then you have to take a look at the buffer with a debugger.  If memory serves me - you’ll need a good hex editor - copy from the IAR memory window, put it into a hex editor, and then you can run the utility provided by Richard if I’m remembering this process correctly - anyway, it’s on the web-site.

I posted some code for a colleague some time ago - sounds like this is the zip file that I posted for them.  I’m glad you’ve found it useful.

John W.