wifi and FreeRTOS

jesperv wrote on Wednesday, June 17, 2009:

Hi guys

I’ve been searching the internet for some information about FreeRTOS and 802.11 wifi modules but haven’t been able to find any relevant info. Has anyone tried using wifi with FreeRTOS?

Regards Jesper

richard_damon wrote on Wednesday, June 17, 2009:

Since FreeRTOS is really just a micro-kernel, there should be no difficulties in using it for that task. It will provide no resources specific to that task, but should not get in the way of it.

rtel wrote on Thursday, June 18, 2009:

Which processor are you using?  I know of some developments on a particular architecture, but its not available quite yet.


jesperv wrote on Thursday, June 18, 2009:

I’m using a avr32ap7000 microcontroller.
Do you know how they interface the wlan module (SDIO, SPI…)?